Day Shift, Evening Shift, Part time, Full Time we are there !​
We can help you build the most efficient way according to your needs​ ​


Cash your accounts receivables faster, spend less time on it and avoid selling to bad customers​

CASH FLOW OR AVAILABLE CASH is the oxygen of your project and your company​

Let's be up to date in billing, be accurate and fast​
This service means we call your customers roughly 10 days after we billed them asking these questions:​

1. Did you receive our invoice No …​
2. Is there any problem on it​
3. When can we expect a payment ( if it's a first time customer we can set up the payment method)​
4. We take note for every invoice​
5. We report "only" the problems

This method is proven to work and has severals pros:​

  • You know where you are going (feeling secure)
  • Customer Average time to pay is accurate so you can take better decisions
  • By reporting only the problems, you will realize it’s always the same customers and you can act on it
  • If you were a payable clerk at your customer and you knew a supplier (you) will call to follow up, who would you pay first ?
  • Reduce Credit margin requirement or maximise it
  • Avoid Factoring some invoices
  • Stop giving discount to be paid faster
  • Etc.
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