Day Shift, Evening Shift, Part time, Full Time we are there !
We can help you build the most efficient way according to your needs
Cash your accounts receivables faster, spend less time on it and avoid selling to bad customers
CASH FLOW OR AVAILABLE CASH is the oxygen of your project and your company
Let's be up to date in billing, be accurate and fast
This service means we call your customers roughly 10 days after we billed them asking these questions:
1. Did you receive our invoice No …
2. Is there any problem on it
3. When can we expect a payment ( if it's a first time customer we can set up the payment method)
4. We take note for every invoice
5. We report "only" the problems

This method is proven to work and has severals pros:
- You know where you are going (feeling secure)
- Customer Average time to pay is accurate so you can take better decisions
- By reporting only the problems, you will realize it’s always the same customers and you can act on it
- If you were a payable clerk at your customer and you knew a supplier (you) will call to follow up, who would you pay first ?
- Reduce Credit margin requirement or maximise it
- Avoid Factoring some invoices
- Stop giving discount to be paid faster
- Etc.